Insight from our clients.

Case Study: Kaiden.AI

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Digital networking in today's age isn't just about expanding reach, but about cultivating meaningful, quality connections. This ethos underpinned our recent collaboration with Kaiden-AI. Within a short span of 5 weeks, we at Omni were not only able to harness the power of LinkedIn Automation for Kaiden-AI but also achieve a tangible ROI that echoed in the form of strong business leads and closed deals.


Kaiden-AI, a promising name in the tech landscape, recognized the potential of LinkedIn to tap into a strategic audience but was understandably hesitant. The pressing questions: Would the investment translate into tangible results? Could they find a partner who would genuinely understand and amplify their brand voice? That's where our expertise at Omni came into play.


Our strategy for Kaiden-AI was defined, yet ambitious:

  1. Craft a customized, targeted sequence copy that resonates with Kaiden-AI's brand essence.
  2. Pinpoint and engage with Kaiden-AI's target demographic on LinkedIn.
  3. Ensure that Ali's voice and vision (the brain behind Kaiden-AI) were integral to our automation process, making outreach feel genuine and personalized.

Strategy and Execution

With just one account at our disposal, we dove deep into understanding Kaiden-AI's business model, its objectives, and Ali's vision for the company. For the automation to work, it shouldn't feel 'automated'. Every sequence, every message had to feel personal.

  • Targeted Sequence Copy: Drawing insights from our interactions with Ali and Kaiden-AI's broader goals, we developed copy sequences that spoke directly to the target audience. The result? Conversations felt natural, prompting higher engagement.
  • Demographic Targeting: Instead of a scattergun approach, we narrowed down to Kaiden-AI's ideal customer profiles. This not only ensured that the outreach was relevant but also increased the probability of positive responses.
  • Personalized Touch: By integrating Ali's voice into our automation, we made sure that every outreach felt as though it was coming directly from him. This personal touch was instrumental in fostering trust and paving the way for meaningful conversations.


The results speak for themselves:

  • Over 15 booked calls in just 5 weeks, a testament to the quality of our outreach.
  • Multiple deals sealed, directly contributing to Kaiden-AI's growth.
  • A remarkable show-up rate with only one no-show (who messaged that they were no longer interested), underscoring the relevance of our targeted approach.


Ali, initially apprehensive, found himself busier than he ever imagined, directly engaging with a demographic that truly mattered to Kaiden-AI. His satisfaction was evident when he began referring us within his network, a testament to our successful collaboration. As we look to the future, we're excited to scale this partnership further, continuing to drive results that truly matter.